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橄榄油妙用 解决皮肤瘙痒

Olive oil magical solve skin itching

2015-07-16 16:14:51来源: 大河网

橄榄油富含不饱和脂肪酸以及各种维生素,极易被皮肤吸收,清爽自然,绝无油腻感,最新研究表明:橄榄油中所含多酚类有抗氧化作用,它能有效地避免因脂肪被氧化而发生的细胞老化所带来的色斑、皱纹等现象。 橄榄...

olive oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acid and various vitamins, is easily absorbed by the skin, fresh and natural, no greasy feeling, the latest research showed that olive oil contains polyphenols have antioxidant properties, it can effectively avoid the phenomenon of cells due to fat oxidation and aging spots, wrinkles, and so on. Olives...