新关注 > 信息聚合 > 房产新政下 福州二手房买卖迅速升温

房产新政下 福州二手房买卖迅速升温

Under New Deal real estate trading second-hand housing in Fuzhou rapid warming

2015-04-17 19:57:18来源: 中国新闻网

参与互动() 4月17日,福州一房产中介工作人员给购房者打电话推荐相关房产,预约看房时间。张斌 摄 4月17日,福州一房产中介工作人员给购房者打电话推荐相关房产,预约看房时间。自3月17日,...

Participate in interactive () April 17, Fuzhou, a real estate agent staff to recommend related real estate buyers call, make an appointment visit time. Zhang Bin photo April 17, Fuzhou, a real estate agent staff to recommend related real estate buyers call, make an appointment visit time. Since March 17, ...