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Sensitive muscle of the summer skin care tips

2015-08-19 05:42:55来源: 长江商报

长江商报消息 本报讯(记者 庞亚斌)近日,法国皮尔法伯集团旗下品牌馥绿德雅及雅漾携新品来到江城武汉,现场分享了头皮护理和敏感肌肤的夏日保养秘籍。 此季,馥绿德雅迎来了舒缓清润系列的第三位成员,馥绿...

Yangtze River daily news report from our correspondent (reporter Pang Yabin) recently, the French Pierre Fabre group's brand Crawford green Deya and Avene to bring new products to come to Wuhan, shared scalp care and sensitive skin the summer skin care secret Ji. This season, Fiona Crawford green ushered in a series of third members soothing moist, green fragrance...