新关注 > 信息聚合 > 启辰晨风智联版上市 6.30前可享补贴1万

启辰晨风智联版上市 6.30前可享补贴1万

Qichen chenfeng listed at version 6.30 can enjoy allowance before 10000

2016-04-25 12:05:02来源: 爱卡汽车网

智趣升级启辰晨风智联版上市,6月30日前购车可享厂家补贴1万元,首付5万起,0利率购车计划。 5年20万辆,始终如一的全球品质 作为日产专属EV平台打造,并与全球电动车销量冠军日产leaf的核...

Wit upgrade qichen morning breeze at version listed, June 30 car manufacturers can enjoy allowance of 10000 yuan, down 50000, zero interest rates purchases. 5 years, 200000, consistent quality around the world Exclusive as nissan EV platform, and with the global electric vehicle sales champion nissan leaf nuclear...