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骗子盯上留学家庭 盗影像骗亲友谎称提前缴费

Liar at studying the family steal image deceive relatives lied in advance payment

2015-09-07 17:43:33来源: 中国新闻网

近期,网络上诈骗留学家庭的案例时有发生。警方在此揭示几种常见的诈骗手法,望留学生朋友及其亲友能够早知晓,早防范。 盗影像骗过亲友 不法分子利用木马软件,盗取留学生的QQ号码以及视频影像,以此来获得其亲友的信任。通常骗子会先给留学生亲友播放已窃取的视频片段,并以话筒坏了等借口拒绝接...

recently, cases of fraud on the Internet the families of students. Police reveal several common methods of fraud, the hope that the students and their relatives and friends can be known, early prevention. Stolen video cheated friends and relatives of criminals use Trojan software, steal foreign students QQ number and video images, in order to obtain the trust of their relatives and friends. Usually a liar will first give students to play stolen video clips, and the microphone is broken down, and so on...