新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英媒评出英超最伟大队长:蓝军忠魂完胜双红传奇


British media named the Premier League's most great captain: victory over the blues Zhonghun double red legend Netease

2015-05-25 20:05:11来源: 网易

网易体育5月25日报道: 红军队长杰拉德将会在本赛季结束后离开利物浦转投美国大联盟,在许多球迷眼中,效力红军多年的杰拉德是英超最伟大的队长,当然,阿森纳队的维埃拉以及曼联的基恩都是英超最伟大队长的...

, Netease sports 5 reported on March 25: Liverpool captain Steven Gerrard will be at the end of the season left joining the club in the American big alliance, in the eyes of many fans, the potency Red Army years of Steven Gerrard is the Premier League's greatest captain, of course, arsenal of Patrick Vieira and Manchester United Keane are the Premier League's most great captain...