新关注 > 信息聚合 > “熔断”地价难解地王之困


"Fuse" Gordian premium king of the storm

2016-05-30 02:47:05来源: 搜狐

据报道,苏州日前集中拍卖出让13宗地块,并首次施行土地“限价令”。当日,两宗住宅地块最终因为超过限价流拍。继苏州对土地拍卖实施“熔断”后,南京也对土地出让设置了最高价,报价超出的将终止出让。 不...

It was reported recently in Suzhou centralized auction to sell 13 plots of land and the first implementation of "limit order." On that day, two more than the limit of residential land in the end because unsold. Following the implementation of Suzhou on the land auction "fuse", Nanjing also set the highest land price, the offer to sell the excess will be terminated. Do not...