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科技锻造精致艺术 联想YOGA 4 Pro图赏

Technology of fine forging art Lenovo YOGA 4 Pro tushang

2015-11-15 20:56:19来源: 中关村在线

联想近期正式发布了YOGA 4 Pro。作为YOGA 3 Pro的继任者,YOGA 4 Pro在硬件方面进行了全面升级,低电压酷睿平台带来的性能提升非常明显,优势是在核显性能大幅提升之后,YOGA 4 Pro也能够在娱乐、游戏性能方面有更好的表现。同时,新平台在续航、功耗方面的控制也使Y...

Lenovo recently officially released YOGA 4 Pro. As yoga 3 Pro successor, yoga pro in terms of hardware of a comprehensive upgrade, low voltage core platform to bring the performance improvement is obvious. The advantage is that significant nuclear performance increased dramatically after, yoga Pro can also in entertainment, game performance has a better performance. At the same time, the new platform in battery life, power consumption control also makes Y...