新关注 > 信息聚合 > 惨败后勇士夺冠概率仍超8成 34%几率五场登顶

惨败后勇士夺冠概率仍超8成 34%几率五场登顶

After the defeat of the warriors win probability was still over 8 to 34% chance five Summit

2016-06-10 00:33:47来源: 新浪

惨败后勇士夺冠概率仍超八成 新浪体育讯 北京时间6月10日,总决赛第三战,骑士主场以120-90大胜勇士,将总比分扳为1-2,赛后,美媒更新了最新的球队实力指数预测,数据显示尽管在客场经历了一场...

After the defeat of the warriors win probability is over eighty percent of sina sports news Beijing time on June 10, finals for the third war, Cleveland to 120-90 victory against Golden State, pull the total score 1-2. After the game, the U.S. media updated the latest team strength index prediction, the data show that although on the road through a...