新关注 > 信息聚合 > 宜昌东至小溪塔拟开“轨交” 年底开工沿线设12个站

宜昌东至小溪塔拟开“轨交” 年底开工沿线设12个站

Yichang East creek tower intends to open a "Rail" started at the end of the located along the 12 station

2015-09-29 09:29:38来源: 荆楚网

高架改造图 高架立面改造图 三峡晚报讯 本报记者张元媛 通讯员雷琅棋 24日上午,来自国内铁路规划设计、建设运营的13位专家,沿途踏勘了已经闲置多年的宜昌东至小溪塔既有铁路的现状。当天,宜昌东...

elevated transformation diagram elevated facade renovation plans Three Gorges evening news reporter correspondent for Lei Langqi 24 morning, from domestic railway planning and design, construction and operation of 13 experts, along the way to reconnoiter the has been idle for years of Yichang East creek tower of the existing railway status. Day, Yichang east...