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联想: 好礼连环送 让人无法拒绝的联想小新打印机

Legend: Gifts comic send reminiscent of a small new printer can not refuse

2016-01-28 17:41:25来源: 第三媒体

[摘要] 猴年春节已经开启了倒计时模式,想置办打印机的亲们,现在可是有福了!自1月11日至31日,联想小新打印机联合京东商城进行“开年礼”优惠大促活动:一送50E卡,二送护腰垫,三送免费上门安装...

[Abstract] has opened the Year of the Monkey Year countdown mode, the printer would like repairing pro, but now blessed! From 11 to 31 January, the new printer Lenovo small joint Jingdong Mall a "new year gift" Get big promotion activities: 50E to send a card, two get lumber support, three get free home installation ...