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Comments: Yu Xiuhua, busy outside the poem

2016-03-16 09:49:55来源: 人民网

沉寂一段时间后,诗人余秀华又“火”了。这次不是因为她的诗歌新作,而是因为她跟丈夫离婚了。 据余秀华说,这段婚姻自始至终都没有感情基础,最终以离婚收场,完全称得上是情理之中,没什么值得大惊小怪的。然而,看看媒体的热闹劲吧——女诗人余秀华的离婚,蕴含了多少话题爆点,简直是一座八卦新闻的富...

Silence for some time, the poet Yu Xiuhua and "fire". This time not because of her poetry, but because she divorced her husband. According to Yu Xiuhua said that this marriage has no emotional basis throughout, and ultimately to divorce, is entirely reasonable, there is nothing to be surprised about. However, take a look at the excitement of the media it - female poet Yu Xiuhua's divorce, contains a number of topics burst, it is a gossip news rich...