新关注 > 信息聚合 > 德国亚马逊暂时下架微软Lumia950 XL手机

德国亚马逊暂时下架微软Lumia950 XL手机

Germany's Amazon under the shelf Microsoft XL Lumia950 mobile phone

2015-12-24 12:03:22来源: 天极网

【Yesky新闻频道消息】 据德国媒体报道称,由于居高不下的退货率,最终导致刚刚开售不久的Win10 Mobile旗舰手机Lumia950、Lumia950 XL在亚马逊下架。据悉,目前德国亚马逊已...

[Yesky news channel news according to the German media reports said that due to the high return rate, eventually leading to just sold near Win10 mobile flagship phone Lumia950, Lumia950 XL in the frame of the Amazon. It is reported that the current German Amazon has...

标签: 微软