新关注 > 信息聚合 > 心系患者服务患者:刘琼芳事迹电影《情满人间》首映


Heart patients and patients: Chiung Fang Liu deeds movie "love full of human" premiere

2015-06-26 17:00:15来源: 长城网

长城网6月26日讯(记者 邢鹏飞)26日上午,由河北省卫生计生委和石家庄市卫生计生委主办、石家庄市第一医院承办,根据“老百姓的好医生”——石家庄市第一医院刘琼芳事迹改编的电影《情满人间》首映礼在石家...

the Great Wall net June 26 hearing (reporter high) 26 morning, by the Hebei provincial health meter gauge students organized by the Commission, Shijiazhuang city first hospital undertakes Commission and Shijiazhuang city health, according to "people's good doctor" -- Shijiazhuang City First Hospital Chiung Fang Liu deeds adaptation of the movie "love the world is full of" premiere in Shijiazhuang.

标签: 电影