新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全球纯血马赛事TOP10 凯旋门大奖赛为何排第一?

全球纯血马赛事TOP10 凯旋门大奖赛为何排第一?

Why global Thoroughbred Race TOP10 ranked first Grand Prix Arc de Triomphe?

2016-01-26 11:40:41来源: 新浪

法国凯旋门大奖赛 1月19日,国际速度赛马组织联盟(International Federation of Horseracing Authorities)公布了世界最佳纯血马一级赛事排行榜,其...

Arc de Triomphe French Grand Prix January 19, the International Organization speed Racing League (International Federation of Horseracing Authorities) announced the world's best Thoroughbred race horse a list, which ...