新关注 > 信息聚合 > 蔡依林演唱会蛇妖造型价值400万 盘点女星惨遭炮..

蔡依林演唱会蛇妖造型价值400万 盘点女星惨遭炮..

Jolin concert basilisk modelling value 400 million inventory actress brutally gun..

2015-07-14 02:16:36来源: 人民网


people net Beijing on July 14 (by car Kemeng) recently, Jolin Tsai "play" solo concert in Beijing station ended, can accommodate nearly 20000 people capital stadium attendance over 95 percent. That night, in the extremely difficult challenges of four stage performances at the same time, Jolin Tsai has also played "the Gorgon Medusa, large scale...