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粉嫩眼线 勾勒夏日清新自然眼妆

Pink eye outline summer fresh and natural makeup

2015-05-11 09:13:12来源: 人民网

今夏的妆容话题都围绕着粉嫩色打转,马卡龙颜色的眼线笔大热掀起了一场妆容革命。MM们也不能就此落后,快点摒弃往常沉闷的黑、棕色眼线笔,用粉嫩眼线描绘清新自然的流行眼妆吧! 有时也可以转换方式,使用...

summer makeup topic all around powder light color spin, macarons color Eyeliner hot set off a revolution in the field of makeup. Mm are not on this backward, quickly abandon the usual dull black, brown eyeliner, matte Eyeliner depicting popular eye makeup fresh and natural it! Sometimes you can change the way, use...