新关注 > 信息聚合 > 顺义加强安检 保障国际学生北京夏令营食品安全

顺义加强安检 保障国际学生北京夏令营食品安全

Shunyi strengthen security guarantee for international students Beijing summer camp food safety

2015-07-17 17:58:23来源: 人民网

人民网北京7月17日电 (通讯员 薛鸣)2015国际学生北京夏令营于7月13日至23日在北京举行,顺义辖区内的北京牛栏山第一中学作为本次夏令营的营地,承担了来自40多个国家的700多名师生的就餐和住...

people's Network Beijing on July 17 (correspondent Ming Xue) 2015 Beijing international students summer camp was held in Beijing on July 13 to 23, Shunyi District Beijing Niulanshan No.1 middle school as the summer camp, assumed the from more than 40 countries more than 700 teachers and students dining and living...