新关注 > 信息聚合 > 鼓楼医院是南京大屠杀期间城内唯一对平民开放的..


Drum Tower Hospital during the Nanjing massacre, the city is only open to civilians..

2014-12-16 22:00:00来源: 丁香园

见证历史 大爱永驻—鼓楼医院是南京大屠杀期间城内唯一对平民开放的医院 2014年12月13日,是首个“南京大屠杀死难者国家公祭日”。上午,鼓楼医院对外开放历史纪念馆。医院机关员工、社会各界人士、外...

witness history big love forever - Gulou Hospital during the Nanjing massacre, the city is only open to civilians hospital in December 13, 2014, is the first "Nanjing massacre victims of national public memorial day". Morning, Drum Tower Hospital of opening to the outside world history museum. The Hospital Authority staff, social people from all walks of life...