新关注 > 信息聚合 > 南开女生夺重庆高考理科第一 曾想休学父母老师助..

南开女生夺重庆高考理科第一 曾想休学父母老师助..

Nankai girls won the Chongqing science exam first wanted to suspension for parents and teachers to help..

2015-06-23 22:54:45来源: 华龙网

今年重庆高考理科第一名是来自南开中学的张瑞珈。记者 李裕锟 摄 华龙网6月23日22时13分讯(记者 周梦莹)高考满分750,你能考多少分?随着今(23)日重庆高考成绩开放查询,南开中学高三(5...

this year, Chongqing Science in college entrance examination in the first name is derived from the Zhang Ruijia Nankai Middle School. Reporter Li Yukun photo Hualong network June 23rd twenty-two thirteen (reporter Zhou Mengying) entrance out of 750, how many points you can test? With this (23), Chongqing college entrance examination scores of open inquiry, Nankai Middle School (5...