新关注 > 信息聚合 > 张铁林23岁混血女儿近照曝光 母亲波兰裔

张铁林23岁混血女儿近照曝光 母亲波兰裔

Zhang Tielin's 23 year old daughter photo exposure mother Poland born

2014-08-07 04:05:56来源: 中国青年网

张铁林与女儿 张铁林女儿与众明星合影 张铁林混血女儿美艳动人 新浪娱乐讯 近日,57岁的张铁林带着23岁的混血女儿月亮参加某真人秀节目,据知名博主“北京冬雨”所知,该真人秀节目有不少大腕明星加入,多年以来张铁林女儿月亮几乎未在媒体正式曝光,而这也是张铁林女儿的首次曝光,早年张铁林...

Zhang Tielin and daughter Zhang Tielin star Zhang Tielin daughter and the daughter beautiful Sina entertainment news recently, 57 year old Zhang Tielin and his 23 year old daughter of the moon in a reality show, according to China Hiroshi "the Beijing winter" knowledge, the reality show many star players to join, over the years Zhang Tielin daughter moon almost not in the official media exposure, and this also is Zhang Tielin daughter of exposure for the first time, Zhang Tielin in his early years...