新关注 > 信息聚合 > 浦科特M6P的黑科技:狂飙5GB/s


Plextor M6P black Technology: Hurricane 5GB/s

2014-06-07 23:00:57来源: IT专家网

Computex 2014于今天上午在台北正式开幕,各家厂商都拿出了自己的看家本领来展示自家,其中不乏黑科技。 浦科特今天展示了M6Pro系列固态硬盘,虽然它采用的是SATA 6Gbps接口,但持续写入速度居然高达5.7GB/s,比SATA 6Gbps接口理论上600MB/s的极限速...

Computex 2014 in the morning officially opened in Taipei, various vendors have come up with their own one's special skill to display their own, including black technology. Plextor unveiled the M6Pro series solid state drive today, although it is used in the SATA 6Gbps interface, but continued to write speed reaches 5.7GB/s, than the limit speed SATA 6Gbps interface theory 600MB/s...