新关注 > 信息聚合 > PFA官方推特:11月最佳球员候选名单


PFA official Twitter: best player in November the list of candidates

2014-11-25 23:57:23来源: 华体网

北京时间11月25日晚,英超职业球员联盟(PFA)再起官方推特公布了11月份英超最佳球员的6人候选名单。 曼联守门员德赫亚、切尔西中场阿扎尔、阿森纳边锋桑切斯、纽卡斯尔球员西索科、南安普顿的英格兰...

Beijing late on November 25th, the Premier League player of the union occupation (PFA) longer official twitter announced 6 man shortlist for the Premier League player of November. Manchester United goalkeeper David De Gea, Chelsea midfielder, Zal, the Arsenal winger Sanchez, Newcastle player Sissoko, Southampton England...