新关注 > 信息聚合 > 济南公积金网上办事大厅试运行 职工能查询贷款明细

济南公积金网上办事大厅试运行 职工能查询贷款明细

Ji'nan provident fund online business hall of trial operation staff can query the details of loan

2014-12-09 15:56:27来源: 大众网

◥市民排队办理公积金业务。(资料片) 本报记者 郭建政 摄 本报记者 喻雯 8日,记者从济南住房公积金管理中心了解到,济南公积金网上办事大厅及短信平台系统已经上线试运行。除了公积金转移、提取等...

people queuing for provident fund business. (data sheet) reporter Guo Jianzheng perturbation reporter Yu Wen on the 8 day, the reporter from Ji'nan housing provident fund management center to understand, Ji'nan provident fund online business hall and the SMS platform system has been on-line test run. In addition, the extraction of provident fund transfer etc....