新关注 > 信息聚合 > 许尔勒3000万签狼堡已完成体检 张稀哲恐难出头

许尔勒3000万签狼堡已完成体检 张稀哲恐难出头

Xu erlei 30000000 sign Wolfsburg have completed the examination Zhang Xizhe converting the head

2015-01-30 12:54:52来源: 网易

德国媒体《图片报》爆料,切尔西方面已经接受了沃尔夫斯堡3000万欧元的报价,许尔勒已经前往沃尔夫斯堡体检。 网易体育1月30日报道: 本赛季德国世界杯英雄许尔勒表现低迷,在切尔西出场机会寥寥,状...

German media "Bild" broke the news, Chelsea has accepted the Wolfsburg bid 30000000 euros, xuerle had to travel to Wolfsburg for a medical. NetEase sports in January 30th reported: this season German World Cup hero xuerle performance murky, in Chelsea the opportunity to play a few, like...