新关注 > 信息聚合 > BIGBANG《我们不要相爱》韩国音源榜单8连冠


Bigbang "we don't love each other" South Korean source list eight consecutive

2015-08-12 18:27:38来源: 中国青年网

BIGBANG《我们不要相爱》 腾讯娱乐讯 截止至8月12日上午8点,BIGBANG于8月5日公开的新曲《我们不要相爱》在韩国最大音源网MelOn,以及在Bugs,Genie,Monkey 3,...

BIGBANG "we don't fall in love" Tencent Entertainment news until August 12 morning 8:00, BigBang on August 5, open the new song "we don't fall in love" in South Korea's largest source of net melon, and in bugs, genie, monkey 3,...