新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2016公务员面试热点:随迁务工人员子女教育


2016 civil servants interview hot spots: the education of migrant workers' children

2015-12-28 09:57:06来源: 中公教育网

【热点背景】 在上海宝山区锦秋花园的小区内,有人在小区一幢联体别墅内开办了一所学校——80余名以外地随迁务工人员子女为主的小学生,在此朗朗读书。而随即,这所”学校”以“非法办学”的名义被查封,要求...

[background] hot in Shanghai Baoshan Jinqiu Garden District, there are people in the residential blocks the body villa opened a school, more than 80 outside Suiqian children of migrant workers to the primary and secondary school students in reading Lang Lang. And then, the "school" in the name of "illegal school" was seized, the requirements of...