新关注 > 信息聚合 > 青岛中小学春游下月进高峰 多数中学取消出游

青岛中小学春游下月进高峰 多数中学取消出游

The climax of the majority of middle school cancel travel

2015-03-22 09:14:22来源: 半岛网

晚报讯 本周燕儿岛路第一小学在市内小学中第一家组织了春游。从下月开始,包括市实验小学、郑州路小学等在内的多所小学,都将组织春游。和小学不同,因为今年学期短,加上又面临升学压力,多数中学都取消了春游计...

evening news this week yanerdao road first primary school in the city primary school in the first organized a spring outing spring outing next month in primary and secondary schools in Qingdao. From the beginning of next month, many primary school including the City Experimental Primary School, Zhengzhou Road Primary School,, will organize a spring outing. And primary school is different, because this term is short, plus facing academic pressure, most high schools have cancelled the spring tester...