新关注 > 信息聚合 > 秒杀苹果6c 魅蓝Note现货清仓价仅899元

秒杀苹果6c 魅蓝Note现货清仓价仅899元

Spike Apple 6C Charm Blue Note spot clearing price only 899 yuan

2015-07-09 22:56:01来源: 中关村在线

(中关村在线江苏行情)近日,魅族魅蓝Note在中关村在线认证经销商“乐淘淘数码”的促销价为899元起,魅族 魅蓝Note是一款新上市的时尚智能手机,价位也非常的合适。 图为:魅族 魅蓝Note ...

(ZOL Jiangsu quotes) recently, Meizu Charm Blue Note in Zhongguancun Online authentication distributor "Tao Tao music digital" promotional price for 899 yuan, Meizu Charm Blue Note is a new listing fashion smart phones, and the price is very suitable. Figure: Meizu Charm Blue Note...