新关注 > 信息聚合 > 多特官方宣布克洛普提前解约 7月1日将正式离队

多特官方宣布克洛普提前解约 7月1日将正式离队

Dot officials announced in July 1st, early termination will officially leave the network

2015-04-15 22:44:40来源: 华体网

北京时间4月15日19:30,多特蒙德俱乐部召开新闻发布会,俱乐部官方宣布2015年7月1日开始,克洛普不再继续担任球队主教练。 克洛普自2008年接手多特,随即带领球队赢得个人执教生涯首个锦标,以2-1击败拜仁慕尼黑取得德国超级杯。在他执教下,多特蒙德重回巅峰,七年两夺德甲冠军,1...

Beijing time at 19:30 on April 15th, the Dortmund club held a news conference, the club officially announced the beginning of July 1, 2015, the park is no longer continue as coach. Since taking over in 2008, dot, then led the team to win the first trophy of personal career, Bayern Munich Super Cup with a 2-1 win over germany. He coached Dortmund in the next seven years, to return to the top, won two Bundesliga titles, 1...