新关注 > 信息聚合 > 青岛威斯汀酒店推出花好月圆中秋月饼礼盒


Westin Hotel Qingdao launched elixir of love Mid Autumn Festival moon cake gift box

2015-07-31 12:29:05来源: 和讯网

月饼,表达了家人团圆和睦的美好愿望,也寄托了对亲朋好友深深的思念。中秋之夜,合家围坐,皓月当空,品茗吃月饼,亦人生之一乐事。青岛威斯汀酒店在中秋团圆之际,现推出三款精美月饼礼盒 九星伴月 2015年,在旅途中长伴您左右的喜达屋,伴随着源宿品牌的入驻,终于迎来旗下九大品牌全面进驻大中华...

moon cake, the expression of the family reunion wishes for peace, also pinned to friends and family deeply miss. The night of the Mid Autumn Festival, the family sitting around, Haoyuedangkong, tea, eating moon cakes, also one of the pleasures of life. Qingdao Westin Hotel in the Mid Autumn Festival reunion occasion, we introduced three types of cakes exquisite gift Jiuxing mounds in 2015, in the journey long accompany you around the Starwood, accompanied by the source and the destination brand to enter, finally ushered in's nine brands comprehensive stationed in the...