新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全景直击唐山大地震40周年纪念日(组图)


Panoramic hitting the tangshan earthquake the 40th anniversary (map)

2016-07-29 00:52:38来源: 国际在线

图为参加唐山大地震震后救援的老兵在纪念墙前敬礼。7月28日,唐山大地震40周年纪念日,很多人从各地赶到唐山,来到唐山地震遗址纪念公园缅怀亲人。他们手捧菊花或带着挽联、香烛,用各种形式寄托哀思,为了不能忘却的记忆。 市场合作:010-68891361 新闻内容:010-68891122 ...

The veteran is pictured during the tangshan earthquake after the earthquake rescue salute in front of the memorial wall. On July 28, the tangshan earthquake the 40th anniversary, a lot of people from all over to tangshan, tangshan earthquake ruins memorial park remembering loved ones. They are holding chrysanthemum or with the elegiac couplet, incense, in various forms to show their grief, in order to can't forget the memory. Market cooperation: 010-68891361 news content: 010-68891122...