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都是陈冠希的错? 秦舒培PK林志玲完败(组图)

Edison is wrong? Shu Pei Qin Lin Chi-ling defeat PK (Photos)

2016-08-02 07:44:27来源: 国际在线

近日,陈冠希骂林志玲为女友秦舒培出头,扯出 《我的新衣》幕后邀约风波。有人说,连续的撕逼大战背后,也引出超模之间的暗战。究竟秦舒培PK林志玲,优略势几何?秦舒培是典型的超模,又是时尚圈流行的性冷淡风...

Recently, Edison criticize Lin Chi-ling for his girlfriend Shu Pei Qin head, pulled the "My clothes" behind the solicitation storm. It is said that the continuous tear force behind the war, also raises Running between supermodel. What Shu Pei Qin PK ling, slightly superior potential geometry? Shu Pei Qin is a typical supermodel, but also a popular fashion circles frigid wind ...