新关注 > 信息聚合 > 用人单位对毕业生满意程度如何?高校走访企业做..


What is the satisfaction degree of the employing unit to the graduates? Colleges and universities visit the enterprise to do..

2015-12-28 10:07:15来源: 浙江在线

浙江在线·教育新闻网12月28日讯 (通讯员 陈思思)近日,浙江水利水电学院机械与汽车工程学院院长与书记带队分专业分批次走访了杭州安费诺飞凤通信部有限公司、费列罗食品杭州有限公司、硕维科技(杭州)有...

Zhejiang Online - Education News Network December 28 news (correspondent Chen Sisi) recently, Zhejiang water conservancy and Hydropower College of mechanical and automotive engineering college dean and Secretary of the notch professional batches visited Hangzhou anfeinuofeifeng Communication Co., Ltd, Ferrero Hangzhou Food Co., Ltd., sowei Technology (Hangzhou)...