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大众公司开股东大会 投资者对“尾气门”怨气冲天

Volkswagen shareholders meeting investors "tail gate" resentment

2016-06-23 11:07:43来源: 中国新闻网

参与互动 2015年9月,美国环保署指控大众旗下部分柴油车在尾气检测中作弊,主要涉及氮氧化物排放。大众随后承认,在相关柴油车上利用作弊软件躲避尾气检测,约1100万辆柴油车卷入其中。图为大众现任总裁穆勒。 中新网6月23日电 据外媒报道,自去年9月德国大众汽车爆出“尾气门”,承认...

Participate in interactive September 2015, EPA alleged mass cheating in some of its diesel exhaust testing, mainly related nitrogen oxide emissions. Volkswagen subsequently acknowledged that the use of diesel vehicles in the relevant cheat software evade gas detection, about 11 million diesel vehicles involved. The picture shows the current president of public Mueller. BEIJING, June 23, according to foreign media reports, since last September, Volkswagen broke "exhaust door," admitted ...