新关注 > 信息聚合 > 走进海克利尔城堡 发现《唐顿庄园》背后的故事

走进海克利尔城堡 发现《唐顿庄园》背后的故事

Into the sea, the castle found the story behind the "tang's manor"

2016-05-22 13:11:36来源: 国际在线

坐落于英格兰南部汉普郡的海克利尔城堡是英国最著名的贵族宅邸之一。它是多部影视剧取景地,包括2010年起在英国本土和海外热播的年代剧《唐顿庄园》。摄影:段雪莲 国际在线报道(记者 段雪莲):坐落于...

Hampshire sea is located in southern England, the castle is one of Britain's most famous noble mansion. It is a number of film and television play shot, including in the UK and overseas since 2010, hit "tang's manor" s play. Photography: period of snow lotus international online report (reporter period of snow lotus) : located in the...