新关注 > 信息聚合 > 京东游戏妹子杯第二日:妹子也要正面刚


Jingdong sister cup game on the second day, my sister will be positive just

2016-06-19 14:51:26来源: IT168

【IT168 资讯】《京东游戏妹子杯全明星周末》经历开赛首日的鏖战之后,女神们专业水准的精彩表现让对决持续升温。在总决赛的第二日经历了一天激战的妹子们在第二天的表现中不仅不带一丝疲倦,反而更加的神勇...

IT168 information 】 【 the jingdong sister cup game all-star weekend after opening on the first day of battle, the goddess of the excellent performance of the professional level to fight for. In the finals of the second day after a day of fighting girls not only in the second day of the performance is not a little tired, but more brave...

标签: 游戏 京东