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双血吼砍砍砍! 炉石传说WE葫芦呼噜裁决战套牌分享

Double blood roar cut! Hearthstone legend we hoist snore cut battle deck share

2015-08-27 16:56:41来源: 4399

大家好,我是WE战队的葫芦呼噜,炉石传说冠军的试炼全新卡包开启之后,带来了100多张新卡,给环境带来了很大的冲击,各个职业选手,主播和每一个热爱炉石的小伙伴都在努力的构筑新卡, 当然我这几天也尝试了...

everybody is good, I am E-sports team gourd snoring, hearthstone Championship trials of new card package after the open, bringing the more than 100 new cards, have brought the great impact to the environment, various professional players, anchor and every love stone hearth and small partners are in efforts to build a new card, of course, I these days also try...

标签: 炉石传说