新关注 > 信息聚合 > 红米3A已经确定了 将支持VoLTE技术

红米3A已经确定了 将支持VoLTE技术

Red rice 3 a will have identified support (technology

2016-05-26 09:24:21来源: 搜狐

虽然小米上半年一直在专注开垦高端机市场,但对于低端的红米系列也不是完全没有计划。日前,最新泄露的一份中国移动VoLTE支持机型清单中,竟然出现了红米3A,这不仅意味着红米3A将支持VoLTE,而且可能要很快发布了。 红米3A现身 此前红米3A似乎已经获得了工信部认证,外形跟红米3相...

Although in the first half of millet has been focused on clearing the high-end market, but for the low-end series of red rice is not no plan at all. A few days ago, the latest leaked a list of China mobile (support models, unexpectedly appeared red rice 3 a, this not only means the red rice will support (3 a, and is likely to be released soon. Red rice appeared in 3 a The red rice 3 a seems to have won the miit certification, appearance with red rice 3 phase...