新关注 > 信息聚合 > 塔尔德利:签鲁能4年迎挑战 有信心再入巴西队

塔尔德利:签鲁能4年迎挑战 有信心再入巴西队

Tardelli: sign the Luneng 4 years meet challenges with confidence reentry team Brazil

2015-01-18 18:57:00来源: 新浪

巴媒报道截屏 新浪体育讯 北京时间1月18日消息,据巴西媒体《超级体育》、《环球体育》报道,山东鲁能新引进的巴西外援前锋塔尔德利本周六与米内罗竞技的前队友告别,他在接受采访时表示很高兴加盟鲁能,双方签约四年,来到一个完全不同的国家对于自己来说是一个巨大的挑战,有信心再次入选巴西队,中...

Pakistani media reports the screenshot of sina sports news Beijing standard time on January 18th message, according to Brazil media "super sports", "Universal Sports" report, the introduction of the new Shandong Luneng Brazil foreign aid vanguard Tarde this Saturday with Mineiro athletic former teammates farewell, he said very happy to join Luneng in the interview, the two sides signed four years contract, to a different country is a huge challenge for me, have faith again in the Brazil team, in the...