新关注 > 信息聚合 > 杞县产业集聚区跃入全省“十快”行列


Qixian industrial clustering leap into the province "ten fast" ranks

2016-04-22 05:14:29来源: 大河网

本报讯 记者汪少冲报道 4月19日清晨,杞县产业集聚区内机声隆隆,车间里一派忙碌的生产场景。作为本土创业者摇篮和孵化器的杞县电子商务产业园内,一笔笔农产品订单信息,在这里通过网络传递到产业集聚区各加...

WASHINGTON reporter Wang Shaochong reported April 19 morning, Qi County industrial agglomeration area rumbling sound machine, the workshop production of one of the busy scene. As the cradle of local entrepreneurs and e-commerce incubator Qi County Industrial Park, a sum of agricultural products order information, where to pass through various processing industry gathering area network ...