新关注 > 信息聚合 > 19岁小伙天天泡烧烤摊 三年内接连患上肠癌肺癌

19岁小伙天天泡烧烤摊 三年内接连患上肠癌肺癌

19 year old guy every day bubble stalls three years inscribed and even the risk of colon cancer of lung cancer

2015-08-25 14:15:13来源: 中国新闻网

中新网金华8月25日电(记者 奚金燕 通讯员 李鹏)夏日炎炎,唤上三五好友,搓一顿烧烤估计是这个季节最享受的事情了,然而对于浙江金华的小林来说,这却是他痛苦的源头。小林今年19岁,平时几乎天天和朋友...

new network Jinhua August 25 (reporter correspondent Xi Jinyan Li) summer sorching, call on 35 good friends, rub a barbecue is estimated to be this season the most enjoyable thing. However, in Zhejiang Jinhua Kobayashi, this is his miserable source. Lin, 19 years old, usually almost every day and friends...