新关注 > 信息聚合 > 这个怪招可让你的iPhone释放几个GB的空间


This weird can make your iPhone release several GB space

2016-04-03 23:15:48来源: 环球网

4月2日消息,据外电报道,iPhone存储空间总是那么珍贵,尤其当你持有的是16GB的入门级iPhone的时候。很少有用户没有经历过这样的痛苦:当你兴致勃勃地准备下载一款新应用程序或拍摄几张新照片的时候,你却发现手机显示出了“存储空间不够”的信息。 你可能听说过各种常见的“释放空间”...

April 2nd news, according to foreign reports, iPhone storage space is always so precious, especially when you hold a 16GB entry level iPhone. Few users have not experienced such pain: when you enthusiastically to download a new application program or shoot a few pieces of photos of the new time, you may have found mobile phone showing the storage space is not enough information. You may have heard of a variety of common "release spaces"...