新关注 > 信息聚合 > 老玩家雷系灵剑的 彗星12段体验感受

老玩家雷系灵剑的 彗星12段体验感受

Old players ray Lingjian comet 12 segments experience as a has been adhering to the sword of the spirit of old Lingjian internationally

2015-07-28 23:42:08来源: 多玩游戏

作为一个一直坚持剑灵的老灵剑玩家,在 s2.5加强前两天,一口气把我用了大半年多的祝福暗黑换成了彗星10,然后秒升12段。虽然只用了6手,今天不是跟大家探讨升级概率的,而是谈一下我的彗星12段使用感...

. In s2.5 strengthen two days ago, breath I used half a year many dark blessing for the comet 10, then seconds l 12 segments. Although only 6 hands, today is not to discuss the upgrade probability, but to talk about the 12 part of my comet...