新关注 > 信息聚合 > 樊凡2015马来西亚赛车首夺冠


Fan where 2015 Malaysia racing won the first

2015-04-09 17:19:05来源: 新浪

樊凡与领航员方军卫登上最高领奖台 新浪体育讯 2015年4月4日,马来西亚全国锦标赛MRC玻璃(Perlis)站正式拉开帷幕。中国万宇拉力车队车手樊凡和队友布莱恩-格林参加了此次比赛。继2014...

fan who and navigator Fang Junwei thein the highest award platform of sina sports dispatch in 2015 on April 4, the Malaysian National Championship MRC glass (Perlis) station officially kicked off. Chinese Wanyu Rally Team Driver Fan Fan and team mate Blaine Green took part in the competition. Following the 2014...