新关注 > 信息聚合 > 火箭老板为水灾捐款50万 此时生活不止是篮球

火箭老板为水灾捐款50万 此时生活不止是篮球

Rockets owner of flooding at this time of life more than 500,000 donation in basketball

2016-04-22 04:53:30来源: 新浪

球队情况不妙,但不影响亚历山大做公益的心情 新浪体育讯 北京时间4月22日,据《休斯顿纪事报》报道,针对休斯顿近期遭遇暴雨和洪水的侵袭,火箭队老板亚历山大向有关的基金会捐赠了50万美金。 这...

Team situation is not good, but does not affect Alexander doing public mood Ticker April 22, according to the "Houston Chronicle" reported that, for the relevant fund Houston recently suffered the invasion of heavy rains and floods, the Rockets owner Leslie Alexander He donated 50 million dollars. This...