新关注 > 信息聚合 > 林心如谈起“姐弟恋” 首次参录真人秀节目

林心如谈起“姐弟恋” 首次参录真人秀节目

Ruby Lin talked about "love" for the first time and record the reality show

2015-04-03 23:19:45来源: 中国青年网

林心如和任重 林心如首次参加真人秀节目录制 腾讯娱乐讯 据台湾媒体报道,韩国明星恋爱真人秀《我们结婚了》,写实得演出艺人私下谈恋爱的模样,在亚洲各地掀起热潮,而大陆近期买下该节目版权,将在4月中旬播出,而有关人士3日爆料演出阵容包含林心如、崔始源等大牌明星,而剧组录影的幕后花絮照也...

Ruby Lin and Ruby Lin for the first time to participate in the reality show is recorded Tencent entertainment news according to Taiwan media reports, South Korean star love reality show "we got married", write monthly performance artists in fall in love like, set off a boom in Asia, while the mainland recently bought the program copyright, will be broadcast in mid April, and about 3 people broke the news to Ruby Lin, Choi Siwon and other cast included major suit star, while the crew filming behind the scenes as well...