新关注 > 信息聚合 > 另类纹身:将皮肤化为触控式屏幕 可遥控手机(图)

另类纹身:将皮肤化为触控式屏幕 可遥控手机(图)

Alternative tattoos: the skin into a touch screen Can remote control cell phone (figure)

2016-08-21 01:37:10来源: 国际在线

DuoSkin使用方法就像传统纹身贴纸一样,只要用湿布按在皮肤上,撕走底纸便可。(图片来源:视频截图) 中新网8月20日电 据外媒报道,美国麻省理工学院媒体实验室及微软研究院一支研究团队,研发出名为DuoSkin的智慧纹身,将皮肤化为触控式屏幕,取代可穿戴电子设备的部分功能。 例...

DuoSkin usage like traditional tattoo stickers, as long as the press with wet cloth on the skin, to tear away the bottom paper. (photo: video capture) Saturday August 20 (Reuters) According to foreign media reports, the MIT media lab and Microsoft research team, research and development of the wisdom of the famous for DuoSkin tattoo, skin into a touch screen, and replace the partial function of wearable electronic devices. Case...