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台女星穿比基尼秀火辣好身材 胸口刺青抢镜

Taiwan actress Bikini wearing a good figure show hot chest tattoo Qiangjing

2016-05-20 04:27:23来源: 中国青年网

贝童彤晒性感照 网易娱乐5月20日报道据台湾媒体报道,艺人贝童彤(彤彤)从《我爱黑涩会》出道,之后转战儿童节目当主持人,因为长期有练舞、健身的习惯,将身材保持得十分窈窕匀称。她近日上传穿着比基尼...

Bei Tong Tong sun sexy according to Netease Entertainment on May 20 reported according to Taiwan media reports, artist Bei Tong Tong (Tongtong) from "I love Blackie" debut, fought in the children's programs when the host, because the long-term practicing dance and fitness habits will stay in shape is very slim and trim. She recently uploaded wearing Bikini...