新关注 > 信息聚合 > 古力娜扎:千万别成为第二个郑爽


Guli Nazha: don't be the second Zheng Shuang

2015-08-10 10:18:18来源: 大众网

今天张翰通过微博高调宣布恋情。通过两人的属相老鼠和猴子表达出两人的爱意,更配上亲密拥吻的照片。 说起张翰,郑爽,古力娜扎这三个人,真的是剪不断理还乱。其实我一开始不看好张翰和郑爽。我始终觉得张翰配不上郑爽。第一次知道这两个人,相信大家都是从《一起来看流(lei)星(zhen)雨》这部红...

today announced a high-profile romance by Zhang Han micro-blog. The two Zodiac mice and monkeys express the love of two people, with more intimate kissing photos. Speaking of Zhang Han, Zheng Shuang, coulee nuozha this three person, really is cut and chaotic. In fact, I'm not optimistic about Zhang Han and Zheng Shuang. I always thought Zhang Han was not worthy of Zheng Shuang. For the first time I know the two people, I believe we are from the "together to see the flow (LEI) star (Zhen) rain," the red...